ANADARKO, OK (January 17, 2020) — A significant piece of Delaware Nation’s history was welcomed with ceremony and prayer on Friday, January 17th at 10:30am at the Cultural Preservation building in Anadarko. Linda Poolaw, along with tribal citizens, welcomed the map with smoking cedar, song and prayer to ask the creator to bless this piece of history and to protect it for many generations to come.
In honor of the opening of our new Historic Preservation Office in Allentown, PA, Tuesday January 14th at 6pm, Barton Cartwright, Delaware Nation citizen, presented President Deborah Dotson with a historical map. The map displays the Philadelphia region known as Coaquannock, “Grove of Tall Pines” as first seen by the white man and confirms the existence of the Delaware people before contact. President Deborah Dotson and Information Technology Director Joshua Farley safely delivered the map all the way from Yardley, PA so it could be carefully preserved and displayed in Anadarko.
We would like to thank Mr. & Mrs. Cartwright for donating the map to Delaware Nation and a special Thank You to Linda Poolaw and the tribal citizens for attending the welcoming ceremony. Wanìshi!

IT director Joshua Farley and EPA water coordinator Alec Marshall carefully unloading map to it’s new destination

IT director Joshua Farley, tribal citizen Linda Poolaw and Cultural Preservation director Sonnie Allen observing map

Cultural Preservation director Sonnie Allen and President Deborah Dotson observing map

IT director Joshua Farley and President Deborah Dotson after map welcoming ceremony