I am so excited to see all the work and progress on the Early Learning Child Care Center! We are now to a point where all the hard work and planning can be seen. From the beginning everyone involved has put in much effort to make this dream a reality. From completing surveys, visiting other centers, to drawing the building plans there are many people involved that want to see this project be successful. I am happy to report that the infrastructure is 95% complete. This is plumbing, electrical, and fiber optic that runs from their source to the point where they will enter the building. The roads are being completed simultaneously with the building. Our main entrance onto Turtle Drive will be from Petree road. Once on Turtle Drive you will turn left onto Delaware Drive to reach the Early Learning Child Care Center. Hardees West will also be connected to Delaware Drive. This will improve the flow of traffic once the center is operational. Thank you for all your support on this project. – by Brenda Lisenbery ECRD Director 2/6/2020
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney