Providing Priority Home Medical Equipment To Serve Quality Durable Medical Equipment & Supplies To Native American Patients, Residents, Families, & Facilities All Over Anadarko & Surrounding Counties.
ANADARKO, OK — There aren’t many opportunities to spend quality time with tribal citizens, and I was honored to meet Alfred Richard Molina, a descendant of Black Beaver! “Richard” is a pastor, Vietnam veteran of two tours, respiratory therapist, entrepreneur, and property owner dedicated to serving Native Americans through service and precision production occupations. His wife, Trudy Molina (Potawatomi), shares the same passion. She has spent many years in special education and loves serving others. Together, they plan to open a food & clothing pantry to serve the community!
By the grace and wisdom of God, Richard became inspired by the Holy Spirit to start a medical supplies company with Mrs. Molina that would operate out of Anadarko and deliver essential health equipment to Native Americans in the surrounding counties. The company’s name is Black Beaver Medical Supply.
Mr. & Mrs. Molina have a vision for their community. It’s a federal fact that Anadarko and the greater Caddo County area are labeled a persistent poverty county region and a health professional shortage location. The couple felt that something was missing. The lack of convenient, simple access to healthcare equipment affects the health of a community. It directly impacts the well-being of its residents.
The couple’s mission is to help the community achieve healthier lives by filling the healthcare gap in their area. Their vision is affordable healthcare equipment delivered to the patient so Native Americans can live better and healthier. The goal is to take his business operating experience and apply it towards selling medical equipment and supplies, as well as managing healthcare organizations. Black Beaver Medical Company would provide an easy way for patients, residents, families, and organizations to purchase high-quality medical equipment and supplies from leading manufacturers.
Anadarko and Caddo County have large rural populations.
Customer excellence has always been a top priority, and it always will be, according to Mr. Molina. His mission to be better, faster, and smarter, will be fulfilled by the best people he can find who want to drive that vision forward.
His company will be a part of a network of healthcare organizations capable of handling nearly any need in the industry. Whether for your Native American family members, patients, residents, or yourself – Black Beaver Medical Company can help!
The Nation is honored to recognize Mr. Molina’s upcoming company and will promote it so that Native people can live healthier and happier lives! Information on employment opportunities and an official ribbon-cutting ceremony will be provided soon. Operations are planned to begin in late June to early July 2023. Stay tuned!
By Wesley Boone Public Relations Officer 2/23/2023