MASHANTUCKET, CONNECTICUT — NAFOA is proud to present Chief Mutáwi Mutáhash (Many Hearts) Marilynn “Lynn” Malerba with the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award. She became the 18th Chief of the Mohegan Tribe and is the first female Chief in the tribe’s modern history. The position is a lifetime appointment made by the Tribe’s Council of Elders. Prior to becoming Chief, she served as Chairwoman of the Tribal Council and served in Tribal Government as Executive Director of Health and Human Services.
Earlier this year, Chief Malerba was appointed by President Biden as the Treasurer of the United States, making her the first American Indian to serve in this position. The Treasurer serves as a liaison with the Federal Reserve and oversees the U.S. Mint and Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Her list of prominent national positions also includes serving as Chairwoman of the Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee of the Federal Indian Health Service (IHS); and being a member of the Justice Department’s Tribal Nations Leadership Council, the Tribal Advisory Committee for the National Institute of Health, the Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Center for Indian Country Development Leadership Council.
By Janet Curley Accounting Tech III 11/10/2022 | Photo by Janet Curley

Delaware Nation Accounting Tech III Janet Curley, Mohegan Chief Marilynn “Lynn” Malerba, Treasurer of the United States of America, Fort Sill Apache Tribe Representative Robin Isom, & Delaware Nation Staff Accountant Eydie Silago