Delaware Nation Election Committee
Unofficial Tally of June 19, 2021 Election
Delaware Nation Tribal Members:
On June 19, an election was conducted in accordance with the Election Ordinance of the Delaware Nation.
The results of the election for the offices of President, Treasurer, and Committee Person #1 are tallied as followed:
President Candidates
Deborah Dotson Live-66 Absentee-160 TOTAL= 226
Dana Elley Live-23 Absentee–37 TOTAL=60
Treasurer Candidates
Barbara Nixon Live–64 Absentee-127 TOTAL= 191
Committee Person #1
Terry Williams Live–36 Absentee-110 TOTAL= 146
Trinity Guido Live-53 Absentee-83 TOTAL=I36
This announcement was approved by the Delaware Nation Election Committee on 06/19/2 021.