ANADARKO, OK — Delaware Nation hosted an elder’s turkey giveaway event in the Administration on Aging building within the Tribal Complex. Social Services & Maintenance staff served all the participating Tribal elders, 60 years and older on a first come, first serve basis without holds or deliveries. Elders filled out a small survey and then were assisted in transporting their 20lb Butterball Premium turkeys to their vehicles. Participants were asked to present a copy of their tribal enrollment card. If participants were picking up for an elder, they were limited to picking up 2 turkeys and were required to have a copy of the enrollment verification for the elder(s) they were picking up for, including submitting a completed survey by the elder. A General Welfare Elder Thanksgiving Supplement Assistance Program fund also assists in the amount of $35.00 to Delaware Nation enrolled elders (60+) with the purchase of a Thanksgiving turkey or groceries. This funding made available to Delaware Nation elders Nationwide until November 30, 2022. Wanìshi to all the elders that participated in receiving their free turkey!
By Wesley Boone Public Relations 11/10/2022 | Photos by Wesley Boone
Tribal Elders: Clinton Cobb Jr., Patricia Schoenmaker, & Stephanie Keller
Ivy Smith – Grant Manager, Nicole Jones – Social Services Administrative Assistant & Keli Ballou – Enrollment Assistant