Description: Delaware Nation Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) grant program assists with home heating or cooling bills and/or energy assistance twice a year. LIHEAP assists with cooling in the summer and heating in the winter. Priority will be given to the elderly (60 and over), disabled, families with young children (5 and under), and homes with high energy burdens (10% or more). This program operates on a first come first serve basis until funds are exhausted.
Deadlines:  None
  • Head of household or spouse must be an enrolled Delaware Nation citizen
  • Household cannot have received LIHEAP thru DHS or any other funding source that receives LIHEAP
  • Submit a completed LIHEAP application and supportive documentation
  • Provide income verification for all household members over the age of 18
  • Provide a copy of CDIB and social security cards for everyone in the household • Provide a copy of current utility bill in applicant’s name


  • All supportive documentation must be submitted with an application to be considered for assistance.
  • Failure to report total household income may result in being disqualified from the program for one year.
Required Documents: If you fail to secure the documents listed below your file will be placed on pending status.
✓ Completed application
✓ CDIB for all household members
✓ Copy of Social security cards for ALL household members
✓ Proof of Income (last 30 days) for ALL household members over the age of 18
✓ Copy of utility bill in the Tribal citizen’s name
Service Areas: Services are restricted to Caddo, Comanche, Grady, Canadian, Oklahoma, Cleveland, McClain, Pottawatomie and Tulsa counties in Oklahoma
Funded By: Department of Health and Human Service,  Administration for Children & Families (GRANT)