Public Service Announcements
Environmental Programs
Clean Air Act 103 Air Quality Program
- Funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency
- Funded since October 2005
- One monitoring station that records Ozone, Temperature, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, and Relative Humidity
- Operated by the Air Quality Coordinator, under direction of Environmental Director
- Provides some Outreach on Ambient (Outdoor) Air and Indoor Air Quality
Clean Water Act 106 Water Quality Program
- Primarily funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency
- Partially Funded by Delaware Nation Tribal Government
- Funded since October 2004
- Thirteen water monitoring sites within Delaware Nation Tribal Jurisdiction that record pH, Turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, Conductivity, Total Phosphorus, Total Nitrogen, and E. Coli, Enterococci, Total Coliforms, E. Coli and basic habitat assessments.
- A collection of Macro invertebrates is done during the summer and winter index for a total of two collections a year at following sites Sugar Creek 1, Spring Creek 1, and Cobb Creek 1
- Operated by the Water Quality Coordinator and Water Quality Technician, under direction of the Environmental Director
- Provides some Outreach on water quality and water pollution prevention
Environmental General Assistance Program –GAP
- Funded by the United State Environmental Protection Agency
- Funded since October 1997
- Enables the operations of an Environmental Programs office
- Provides opportunities for tribes to “test drive” new environmental projects
- Currently operates the Delaware Nation Recycling Project and Indoor Air Quality project
- Operated by the Environmental Director with assistance from the GAP Technician
- Provides Outreach on multiple environmental concerns, including:
- Climate Change
- Indoor Air Quality
- Drinking Water Quality
- Recycling and the 3R Philosophy
- Tire Recycling Project
- Resource Conservation
- Lead Based Paint
Environmental Annual Outreach Events
- Trash Off
- Earth Day
- Green Scene
- World Water Monitoring Challenge
- America Recycles Day
- Environmental Health booths at Health Fairs
- K-12 School Presentations on environment
Participation with Other Groups
- Western Oklahoma Tribal Environmental Coalition (WOTEC)
- Tribal Environmental Coalition in Oklahoma (TECO)
- Regional Tribal Operations Committee (RTOC)
- National Tribal Air Association (NTAA)
- Keep Delaware Nation Beautiful (KDNB- affiliate of Keep Oklahoma Beautiful)
David Komalty
Air Coordinator
Alec Marshall
Water Quality Coordinator
Skylar Miller
Delaware Nation
31064 US Highway 281
Building 100
Anadarko, OK 73005
Delaware Nation
P.O. Box 825
Anadarko, OK 73005
PHONE: (405) 247-2448
FAX: (405) 247-9393