Date(s) - 08/26/2020
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Virtual Resource Fair
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
02:00 pm – 4:00 PM
Veterans, Family Members, Community Partners…
If you would like to learn about veteran resources, benefits, supportive services, and programs, please join the Vet Centers ONLINE for our Virtual Resource Fair. Presenters will provide information on employment services, legal support, benefits eligibility, and more. This event is FREE, and available to the public through WebEx video conferencing.
- Step 1: Visit VeteransAffairs.Webex.Com on your internet browser.
- Step 2: Insert the meeting ID number. 199-966-8807
- Step 3: Insert the meeting password. VetCenter#1
- Step 4: Click “Join meeting”.
Or Join Directly by CLICKING HERE if you’re viewing this flyer through email.
*Note: Attendees will be muted upon logging in to prevent background noise. Chat box is available for questions.
Event Schedule:2:00 – Veteran Employment (Blue Crew Mobile App)2:20 – VA Benefits Rep2:40 – Red Cross3:00 – Million Veterans Program3:20 – Serving Together Project3:40 – Veteran Legal Services4:00 – Wrap Up |
Washington D.C. Vet Center1296 Upshur St. NW Washington D.C. 20011 202-726-5212