Dear Tribal Citizen:

Delaware Nation received the first allocation of the American Rescue Plan COVID-19 recovery funds in the amount of $10,364,794.98.  This is the first of two payments from the Department of Treasury to assist in rebuilding tribal governments.  These funds are to provide assistance for recovery beginning March 3, 2021.

The Executive Committee will work together with Directors in the implementation of the application process in order to service all eligible tribal citizens. These funds will be allocated to assist tribal households by offering programs for food ($200.00 per household member up to 4 members), rental/mortgage/utility assistance (up to $1,500.00), Covid 19 related medical bills (up to $500.00), vehicle repair/tire assistance (up to $800.00), elder technology assistance (up to $600.00), and major appliance assistance (up $1,000.00, Hot Water Heater, Washer or Dishwasher).  All Programs will be available until funds are expended.

Tribal Citizens will be required to complete an Economic Impact Survey to receive a Stimulus Payment of $1,000.00 for Delaware Nation citizens 18 and over and $500.00 for each Delaware Nation minor living in the household.

These programs with applications will be announced on Delaware Nation’s website and social media. Please Note, each program application will have a deadline for submission that will be required for assistance. If additional documentation is needed before assistance can be provided it must be submitted in a timely manner.

If needed you may call (405) 247-2448 to request a paper application be mailed to you.

Working together we can accomplish great things.


Executive Committee