Delaware Nation Housing Department – 904 W. Petree Road – Anadarko, OK 73005
Phone: (405) 480-2220 – Fax: (405) 480-2225
The Delaware Nation Housing Department is now located at 904 W Petree Road in Anadarko, Oklahoma. It is the purpose of the Delaware Nation Housing to provide assistance to low-income Native American families with preference given to enrolled Delaware Nation members with safe and affordable Housing with funds from the Indian Housing Block Grant in accordance with the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (1996). (NAHASDA). The Delaware Nation Housing provides assistance through the Emergency Repair Program, Rental Assistance Program, and the Homeownership Program. The Delaware Nation Housing currently has ten (10) homes that are maintained and operated with funding from the Indian Housing Block Grant. Delaware Nation Housing will soon begin Homeowner/Tenant Education classes. Information will be added to the Housing web page when classes become available. Please check back.
You can find more information regarding each program as well as applications and forms by clicking on the appropriate link below:
- Elder Emergency Repair Program
- Tribal Rental Assistance Program
- Homeownership and Rental Program
- Natural Disaster Assistance Program
- General Welfare Homeowner Assistance Fund
Please contact the Housing Office if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to assisting you with your housing needs. Wanishi!
In order to request General Welfare Elder Emergency Repair Services, participants should contact the DNHD office. We will take a short description of the repair needed, the tribal member’s name, address, and directions to your home. The DNHD staff will contact the Delaware Nation Enrollment Office to verify enrollment status and address and will verify the ownership of the home. This program is funded by the Delaware Nation Tax Commission through an annual allocation of funds and is offered as long as funds are available. Damage caused by lack of maintenance by the homeowner will not be eligible for emergency repair assistance. Please feel free to contact the DNHD office with your housing needs/requests at 405-480-2220.
Emergency Repair Guidelines and Eligibility Requirements
1. Must submit a completed application with ALL required supporting documents. Incomplete applications will not be processed. (Please see check list on page 3).
2. Applicant must be an emailed Delaware Nation Elder that is 60 years or older OR must be an enrolled Delaware Nation citizen who can provide proof of handicap or disability from a medical physician.
3. Must show proof of homeownership of a minimum of tlu·ee years. Delaware Nation Housing will only accept a deed/title that has the primary applicant listed at the owner. Delaware Nation Housing may accept a title status report from the Bureau of Indian Affairs or court approved probate if the document shows clear proof that the applicant is the sole owner of the specified property for which repairs are needed. Delaware Nation Housing may also accept a certified legal document that gives the applicant lifetime use of the unit.
4. If homeowner is unable to provide sole ownership of the home and has been in the home for the minimum requirement of three years, DNHD will accept the Home ownership Affidavit that will include the following statement: (Page 7)
• Name of citizen requesting services
• How long the citizen has resided in the home
• Listing all members of the household
• Certification of primary residence
• Acknowledgement of other HUD programs
• Certification of under penalty of law
5. Must reside within the the following counties: Caddo, Cleveland, Canadian, Grady, McClain, and Oklahoma Counties.
6. Must provide a current utility bill in the tribal citizens name for the address needing services. The unit for which assistance is being requested must be the primary residence of the applicant.
7. Eligible applicants who have homeowner insurance and are applying for assistance for repairs that
would normally be insurable (i.e. roofs, flood damage, fire damage, etc.) shall be required to submit a claim to the insurance company. If the insurance claim is approved, Delaware Nation Housing may pay the deductible as long as it does not exceed the cap amount. If claim is denied the request for services will be reviewed further to determine eligibility.
8. Must meet the 80% United States National Median Income Limit Guidelines. Proof of income must be provided for all household members with submission of application (i.e., pay check stubs, social
security, tax return, etc.).
9. Assistance shall be limited to one occurrence per fiscal year, whether or not the repairs required the full cap amount.
10. Mobile homes will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
11. To qualify for a reimbursement the tribal citizen is subject to all eligibility requirements, must show
proof of payment to a licensed/certified vendor, must be within the fiscal year applying for service, and the repair must be deemed as an emergency according to the General Welfare Elder Emergency Repair Program Policies.
12. All selected vendors must meet the Delaware Nation Policy requirements. This includes, but is not
limited to, vendor and all staff performing repairs have approved background checks in compliance with P .L.101-630, submission of completed W-9, satisfactory rating with the Better Business Bureau and the System for Award Management.
13. If determined eligible, assistance may be provided in the amount up to but no more than $3,000.00. Any amounts that exceed the capped amount of $3,000.00 shall be the responsibility of the applicant and
must be paid in full before Delaware Nation Housing will disburse funding.
14. Any application received where the Housing Department staff determines that damage was due to lack of maintenance by the homeowner, will not be eligible under this program.
* Due to limited funding, this program is a first come, first served basis.
Tribal Rental Assistance Program
**The Delaware Nation Housing Department has expanded the jurisdictional area to nationwide for the Tribal Rental Assistance Program so that we may better serve our tribal citizens. Program guidelines have been updated as well to better compliment the expansion of the jurisdictional area. We are excited to be able to serve more of our citizens and as always, we look forward to assisting with your housing needs. Please see below for the Tribal Rental Assistance Program description and a list of the updated guidelines.**
The Delaware Nation Housing Tribal Rental Assistance Program is a tribally funded program. The purpose of the Tribal Rental Assistance Program is to provide assistance with first time move in cost to enrolled low-income Delaware Nation families. Eligible activities for the Tribal Rental Assistance Program include first month’s rent, additional up-front required rental payments, security deposits for rental property, utility deposits for initial services (i.e. electricity, water, gas, sewage, and/or garbage). If applicant is applying for assistance with utility and/or gas deposits, a statement from the company with the participant’s name, proposed address, and account number must be submitted with application. The Delaware Nation Housing Department will not pay for on-going or past due rental payments, past due utility or gas payments, telephone deposits, or cable television deposits. In order for the loan to be forgiven the applicant must maintain the residence for 6 months. Applications may be requested through the Delaware Nation Housing Department. Please see the complete guidelines listed below and review the checklist provided with the application to ensure that all required documentation is submitted to the Housing Office.
- Must submit a completed application with ALL required supporting documents. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
- Applicant must be an enrolled Delaware Nation Citizen and provide proof.
- Must meet the 80% United States National Median Income Limit Guidelines. Proof of income must be provided for all household members with submission of application (i.e., pay check stubs, social security, tax return, etc.).
2024 Median Family Income $97,800 |
% Median Income | 1 Person | 2 Persons | 3 Persons | 4 Persons | 5 Persons | 6 Persons | 7 Persons | 8 Persons |
80% | $54,768 | $62,592 | $70,416 | $78,240 | $84,499 | $90,758 | $97,018 | $103,277 |
100% | $68,460 | $78,240 | $88,020 | $97,800 | $105,624 | $113,448 | $121,272 | $129,096 |
- Must have a minimum annual income of $15,600 (minimum wage)
- Applicant must not already reside within the proposed unit for which they are applying for assistance.
- Assistance shall be limited to once per fiscal year
- If determined eligible, assistance may be provided in the amount up to but no more than $1,000.00. Any amounts that exceed the capped amount of $1,000.00 shall be the responsibility of the applicant and must be paid in full before the Delaware Nation Housing Department will disburse funding.
- The Delaware Nation Housing will not write checks directly to the participant, but rather to the vendors to which the expense will be paid. Applicant must provide the name, address, and contact information for all vendors that you wish to utilize.
*Due to limited funding, this program is a first come, first served basis.
The United States Median Income Guidelines for all low income families can be found at the link below.
Click here to view the Tribal Rental Assistance Policy
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Applications may be submitted to the Housing office in person, by fax, or email (see contact information).
Click here to download the application
Down Payment and Closing Cost
The Down Payment and Closing Cost Program assists low-income Native American families, with preference give to enrolled Delaware Nation members with a determined amount for down payment or closing cost. The purpose of the program is to assist low-income Native American families to become responsible homeowners. In order to receive assistance the applicant must submit a complete application, obtain a home mortgage (must provide copy of mortgage) prior to assistance, not own existing property, qualify as a family, complete a homebuyer education class (must provide certification of completion), must not exceed the 80% National Median Family Income Guidelines (see income guidelines), provide all supporting documentation(i.e. Copies of tribal enrollment, birth certificates, social security cards, and income verification from all sources of income for all members residing in the home), submit appraisal of the proposed home (must include, but not limited to age of the house, legal description, pictures of proposed home, and lead-based paint inspection), and must sign a Useful Life Binding Commitment. The proposed home must meet all Environmental Compliance regulations in order for grant funds to be used for assistance. Eligible participants may receive a forgivable loan up to no more than $3,005. However, in the event the home is foreclosed on or sold within the applicable timeframe according the determination of assistance in accordance with the Useful Life Binding Commitment, the applicant shall be responsible for repayment of the loan. Please review the checklist provided with the application to ensure that all required documentation is submitted to the Housing Office. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Applications may be submitted to the Housing office in person, by fax, or email (see contact information).
Homeownership and Rental Program
The Delaware Nation Housing Homeownership and Rental Program was established to provide affordable housing to qualified low-income Native American families, with preference given to enrolled Delaware Nation Members. The Delaware Nation Housing currently maintains and operates 10 units under this program, five (5) are Lease-Purchase (formerly known as Mutual Help) units and five (5) are low-rental units. Potential applicants may apply by submitting the Housing Assistance Application provided in the link. In the event units are not available, applicants will be added to a waiting list by order of priority. It is the responsibility of the applicant to update their application annually in order for the application to stay active. Eligible applicants must qualify as a family, show proof of tribal enrollment, not exceed the 80% Nation Median Family Income Guidelines, and be willing to sign a lease agreement.
Please review the checklist provided with the application to insure that all required documentation is submitted to the Housing Office. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Applications may be submitted to the Housing office in person, by fax, or email (see contact information).
Natural Disaster Assistance Program
UPDATED: JUNE 19th, 2024
PURPOSE AND AMOUNT OF ASSISTANCE: The General Welfare Natural Disaster Assistance Program is a one-time submission per person per calendar year to provide nation-wide assistance to enrolled Delaware Nation Citizens whose primary residence have been impacted by a natural disaster in the amount of $3,000.00 while funding remains available. The natural disaster must have occurred during the calendar year the applicant is requesting funds.
Eligible tribal citizens 18 years and over must complete the attached application to qualify for this assistance. Non-Delaware Nation citizens may apply if they have an enrolled Delaware Nation minor citizen in the home, however proof of full custody (i.e. court documents) will be required. Incomplete application will not be eligible for assistance, no exceptions. Once the application and required documents are received Delaware Nation will begin the process to determine eligibility.
A completed application with the following documentation must be submitted:
1. Personal Identification (Please provide two of the following):
- Copy of Tribal Citizen’s CDIB card if not available, applicant may just submit roll number.
- An issued state identification card for the Tribal Citizen (i.e. driver’s license)
- Copy of Tribal Citizen’s Birth Certificate.
- Copy of Social Security card for all household members.
2. Proof of Primary Residence affected by a natural disaster:
If a homeowner:
- A mortgage or title deed with physical address listed.
- A current utility bill with Tribal citizen’s name and physical address listed.
- Picture of damage sustained from natural disaster with one showing the location of the primary residence (i.e., house numbers).
- Any quote for repairs that have been obtained. (This does not serve as proof of address this is a required document.)
- An insurance claim submitted, if applicable, must include a breakdown of costs (i.e., explanation of benefits of building actual cash value cost)
- If an insurance claim is not applicable the Tribal Citizen will be responsible for providing 3 Bids from vendors of their choice.
If a renter:
- A copy of your lease agreement with Tribal citizen’s name and physical address listed.
- A statement or affidavit from the owner of the rental.
- Pictures of damages to the primary residence.
- A utility bill with Tribal Citizen’s name and physical address listed.
3. Proof of natural disaster:
- The type of natural disaster experienced.
- The date/time of the event.
4. Proof of all Tribal Citizens living in the primary residence:
- First and last name of each individual
- Delaware Nation Tribal Roll Number
• START & DEADLINE DATES: This funding will be provided each calendar year beginning January
1st and will remain open until funding is expended.
• APPLICATION SUBMISSION: Applications can be obtained on the Delaware Nation website or by
calling 405-480-2220. The tribal citizen’s application with documentation may be submitted through
one of the following:
Email: housing@delawarenation-nsn.gov (Please submit to this email only)
Fax: 405-480-2221
Mail: Delaware Nation Housing
904 W. Petree Road
Anadarko, OK 73005
General Welfare Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) Program
PURPOSE AND AMOUNT OF ASSISTANCE: This nationwide one-time application per household will pay up to $1,000 for eligible tribal citizens who own their homes to assist with home mortgage payment and up to $400 for electric, natural gas, propane, and/or water/sewer/trash utility The table below indicates the 2023 HUD 100% National median income guideline that is used to determine eligibility for this program.
1 Person | 2 Persons | 3 Persons | 4 Persons | 5 Persons | 6 Persons | 7 Persons | 8 Persons |
$68,460 | $78,240 | $88,020 | $97,800 | $105,624 | $113,448 | $121,272 | $129,096 |
Eligible tribal citizens 18 years of age and older who have proof of owning their primary home residence must complete the attached application to qualify for this assistance. If proof of homeownership cannot be provided, the applicant will not be eligible for the assistance, no exceptions.
A completed application with the following documentation:
- Copy of CDIB card
- Copy of household income (wage statements, check stubs, etc.) for all adults in the household
- Zero Income form for adult household members who have no income. Available upon request.
- Copy of Social Security for all household members.
- Proof of Homeownership (i.e., mortgage statement or property tax bill with the tribal citizen’s name)
- For Mortgage assistance provide a current mortgage bill in the tribal citizen’s name matching the home’s address listed. Primary residence only.
- For Utility assistance provide your current utility bill or bills in the tribal citizen’s name matching the home’s address listed on lease (i.e. electric, gas, propane, water/sewer/trash). Primary residence only. Internet and cellular bills are NOT eligible for
START & DEADLINE DATES: This funding will be provided from April 1, 2024 and will remain open until funding is
REIMBURSEMENTS: No reimbursements will be paid. Payments will be made to mortgage and utility companies
APPLICATION SUBMISSION: Applications can be obtained on the Delaware Nation website or by calling 405-480-2220. The tribal citizen’s application with documentation may be submitted through one of the following:
Email: Housing@delawarenation-nsn.gov (Please submit to this email only)
Fax: 405–480-2223
Mail: Delaware Nation Housing 904 West Petree Road Anadarko, OK 73005
Click here to download application
Housing Phone: (405) 480-2220
Housing Fax: (405) 480-2225
Taylor Kopepassah
Housing Intake Clerk
Roger Birch
Force Account Foreman/Inspector
Jace Gonzales
Force Account Laborer II
Jerald Walker
Force Account Laborer I
Delaware Nation Housing Department
904 W. Petree Road
Anadarko, OK 73005
Delaware Nation
P.O. Box 825
Anadarko, OK 73005
PHONE: (405) 480-2220
FAX: (405) 480-2225